How Long Does A Spray Tan Last?

Whether you’re a spray tan veteran or first-timer, you’ve likely wondered how long does a spray tan last? The answer really depends on how well you prepared for and maintain your tan. Most spray tan professionals will advertise that spray tans can last up to 10 days — and that’s true if you can follow the following four steps.

Step 1: Plan and prep for your tan accordingly

A long-lasting tan begins with how you prep your skin for it. First thing’s first, it’s important to exfoliate as well as do any wanted hair removal at least 24 hours before your spray tan appointment. You need to exfoliate and shave before your spray tan appointment to ensure all dead skin and build up is removed prior to your tan. If you don’t exfoliate, your tan won’t last as long because when the dead skin flakes off, your tan will go with. If you’re into shaving, you also need to take care of that at least 24 hours before your appointment because shaving is a form of exfoliating, and doing so after you get your tan will cause your tan to fade faster. Exfoliating 24 hours prior to your appointment is important because exfoliating raises your pH levels and you’ll need to allow your skin to return to its natural pH before getting a spray tan to ensure best results.

Image Courtesy of Bondi Sands

Image Courtesy of Bondi Sands

It’s also important to schedule all other beauty appointments before your spray tan appointment. Facials and massages should happen three to four days before your spray tan, pedicures and waxes one to two days before, shaving and exfoliating the day before. And finally, be sure not to apply an lotions, deodorants, or perfumes right before your tan appointment.

Need to exfoliate and remove an old tan before your next one? Exfoliate using these products before your next appointment.

Step 2: Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

Spray tans last longer on hydrated, moisturized skin. If your skin is dry, the odds of your tan fading are high. When your dry, dead skin flakes off, that fresh tan on the top layer of your skin will go with it. So drink your water and keep your skin moisturized (except for when you should be avoiding lotions in the hours leading up to your appointment).

Step 3: Stay dry and wear loose clothing while your tan is developing

If you’ve ever gotten a tan before, you likely know the cardinal rule: stay dry and wear loose clothing while your tan is developing. This allows your tan to develop without any flaws. If you sweat, get wet, or wear tight clothing, you will interfere with the development of your tan and it won’t last as long as it would if you followed post-tan instructions.

Step 4: Use spray tan-safe products

Do not — and I can not stress this enough — use products with high alcohol and fragrance contents. Why? Alcohol-based lotions and body washes will dry out your skin and strip your tan causing it to fade very quickly. Instead, opt for spray tan-safe lotions that are aloe or shea-based.

If you follow these four key rules, then your spray tan will likely last around 10 days after your appointment.


This New Professional Spray Tan Solution Is Alcohol-Free


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