How To Apply Self Tanner To Your Hands & Feet

As mobile spray tanning services and salons remain shutdown in much of the world, you’re likely still reaching for your self tanner to give you a bit of a pick-me-up. And while swiping tanner on the rest of your body parts is probably a breeze at this point (if it’s not, make sure you check out our tan commandments), tanning your hands and feet can seem like a daunting task — but it doesn’t have to be! So instead of avoiding tanning your hands and feet altogether, or to prevent any mishaps, knowing how to properly tan depending on what kind of tanner you use is key.

Whether you use a mousse, drops, or a spray to get your glow, check out these tips to make sure the tan on your hands and feet is as flawless as the rest of your bod.

If you’re using a spray…

hands: First, apply a light layer of your everyday body moisturizer all over your hands — including your palms, tops, nail beds, and in between your fingers. The lotion acts as a barrier so your tan doesn’t overdevelop in areas like your hands and feet where color can gather more easily, which results in a darker, uneven-looking tan in those areas. Then, hold the bottle about five inches away from the top of your hands and spray in a sweeping motion creating an “X.” Using a kabuki, or otherwise short and thick makeup brush, buff the product all over the top of your hands in a circular motion. Finish by using a wet makeup wipe to wipe the lotion off the palms of your hand.

feet: Similar to your hands, you should apply a light layer of moisturizer to the tops of your feet, bottoms, toes, nail beds, ankles, heels, and in between your toes. Then, mist the spray over the inside of your foot, the top using an “X'“ motion, the outside, and then the ankles. Using a kabuki brush, buff the product in circular motions into the skin — paying special attention to the back of the ankles making sure to buff into all creases. Finally, take a makeup wipe and wipe off the bottom of your feet, toe nails, and slightly dab the creases of your ankle so as the color doesn’t gather.

kabuki brush recommendation:


Coco & Eve

Sunny Honey Deluxe Vegan Kabuki Brush

If you’re using a mousse…

hands: Just as you would if you were using a spray, lather a light layer of lotion all over your hands. Then, pump about a half a pump of mousse on to the top of your designated tanning kabuki brush. Apply the mousse in circular motions — make sure to dab the brush in between each finger. Then, make a fist with your hand and dab the brush on the creases of your knuckles.

feet: Again, apply a light layer lotion all over your feet and ankles. Then, pump a half a pump of mousse to the top of your kabuki brush and start at the back of your ankles and buff the mousse into your skin in circular motions — making sure to get your toes and in between each toe. Finally, flex your ankle and dab the color into the creases. Use a makeup wipe and remove any excess tanner from your toe nails and wipe the lotion off the bottoms of your feet.

makeup wipe recommendation:



Biodegradable Micellar Makeup Remover Cleansing Towelettes

If you’re using drops or a gradual lotion…

hands: Whether you’re using a moisturizer with tanning drops mixed in or a gradual tanning lotion, simply drop a dab of lotion on to the top of your kabuki brush and apply to the tops of your hands and in between your fingers in circular motions. Wipe the palms of your hands with a makeup wipe to remove any excess lotion.

feet: Drop a dab of the lotion on the kabuki brush and apply to feet in circular motions — paying close attention to the backs of your ankles. Use a makeup wipe to wipe off any excess lotion on the bottoms of your feet.


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