8 Nail Colors That Will Make Your Hands Look Tan

If you’ve ever painted your nails white then you’ve probably noticed how tan the color makes your hands look. On the other hand (see what I did there?) if you’ve ever painted your nails white, then you might’ve also noticed how easily and quickly the hue can turn a not-so-cute shade or pale yellow. That’s especially the case for people that use their hands for work (hi, hair colorists and nurses!), and people who spend a lot of time dealing with tanning solutions (AKA spray tan artists and self tan-lovers). (We’ll get to how to block DHA from developing on your nails at a later date.) Well, if you love the look of bronzed hands, but don’t love committing to a bright white nail polish, I’ve rounded up a list of polishes (and press-on nails!) that will make your hands look like you just got back from an Island — even when you’ve been stuck in your cubicle.


the tan commandments