Glow Getter: Mishel K, Founder of MSK Tans
New York City-based spray tan artist Mishel K has only been in the tanning game for almost four years yet has already established an extensive client list, as well as created a custom solution of her own. What started as asking for spray tanning equipment as a gift from her dad, has resulted in a mobile spray tanning company whose tans can be seen on the Met Gala’s red carpet.
When asked what it takes to build a clientele like the one she’s built with MSK.NY, and a solution as beloved as MSK.TANS’ self tanning mousse, Mishel’s secret is “To be persistent,” she says. “Once you fall off your game and get too comfortable, that’s when clients start forgetting about you or go elsewhere.” If you find that advice motivational rather than intimidating, keep reading for more gems that Mishel has to offer. After all, in the words of Frank Sinatra, if you can make it in New York, you can make it anywhere, and Mishel has definitely made it in the sunless industry in New York.
Mishel K. of MSK.NY spray tan appointments and MSK.TANS sunless solutions
Instagrams: @msk.ny, @msk.tans
Years in the industry?: almost four years
How did you get started?: I was a high school student who hated working at pizzerias, which is basically the only job they would hire a high school student for in Staten Island. I always knew I wanted to be my own boss but never knew what I wanted to do. I’ve always been a girly girl so the beauty and fashion industry was something I’ve always loved. Spray tanning is huge on Staten Island, but most places around here would get you really orange. I wanted to change that and show that spray tanning is the healthy alternative to UV tanning and prevents skin cancer — which is also something we see too often. I started by asking my dad to get me all the supplies needed as a present for some holiday. Thankfully, starting a spray tan business isn’t crazy expensive. My then-boyfriend and now-husband was very supportive and helped me with all the logistical business stuff like licenses and permits because I was brain dead about all that stuff. And that’s basically how MSK started. I grew my clientele strictly from Instagram. THE BEST TOOL EVER! Then it really popped off from word of mouth. I’ve met so many amazing people in just three short years and I can’t wait to keep growing.
Favorite memory from a tanning appointment/event?: The day I met [celebrity makeup artist] Scott Barnes & [celebrity hair stylist] Frank Galasso! Oh gosh, I was starstruck. They are such amazing men. So much fun to be around. I remember when Isabel Vita (spray tan artist from LA) messaged me asking if I’d be able to tan them. I screamed!!! Now every time they’re in NYC with JLO I see them and I’m still in shock every time lol.
Can you recall a time you faced a challenge during an event or appointment and how you overcame it?: I haven’t had many challenges, thankfully. I once forgot my tent at home. Thankfully, it was a client that didn’t mind me spraying her in her shower. Never forgot the tent again!
Do you have a moment you're particularly proud of when you felt the most fulfilled?: When I [first] tanned a client for the Met Gala. That was the highlight of my life for now, I think. I’ve watched the Met Gala my whole life and drooled over all the beautiful people and fashion. To actually be able to tan people walking the red carpet was definitely a big deal for me. The appointments were great too cause I got to see some sick NYC apartments (haha).
Best piece of advice you’ve ever received?: Definitely from my husband: To be persistent. Once you fall off your game and get too comfortable that’s when clients start forgetting about you or going elsewhere.
First MSK product you developed?: Our solutions! They’re still exclusive to MSK [appointments], but I knew that buying 10 different brands of solutions and mixing them (while definitely fun and made me feel like a chemist) wasn’t sustainable — especially when you need to tell people what’s in them.
Favorite MSK product?: MSK Self Tanning Mousse for sure !! I could never spray tan myself and my husband wasn’t too great at it. So now I have the perfect tan always.
How did you arrive at the perfect formula?: TESTING!!! the amount of times I had to walk around looking like an Oompa Loompa or swatched in different tans is crazy, but it’s all trial and error.
One instance when you should see a spray tan artist vs. using a self-tanner?: If you have a serious event, for example, parties, weddings, photo shoots, etc. GET A SPRAY TAN! If you’re just going out for last minute plans, or just for daily use not to look pale, get a self tanner.
What advice would you give to new artists? Rome wasn’t built in a day. It takes at least a year to build a client list then grow it. Also practice the hands A LOT !!!