Glow Getter: Taryn Luquin, Founder of Paradise Sunless Solutions & Paradise Airbrush Tanning
Taryn Luquin
If you’re one of the almost-5,000 members of the spray tanning Facebook group, Spray Tan Experts — Educating The Right Way, you have Taryn Luquin to thank for the constant sharing of spray tanning tips, knowledge, and product recommendations as she’s the founder of the group. In addition to being an admin of the group, which is a community of spray tan artists from around the globe, Taryn is also a spray tan artist herself and founder of Southern California-based Paradise Airbrush Tanning, Paradise Sunless Solutions, spray tan training company Spray Tan Academy, and host of the Bronze Up Babe podcast. And that’s not all, the founder is also a Fitness Competitor and naturally offers a range of specialized products and services for fitness competitors.
With so many titles, one may wonder how Taryn juggles it all. According to her, even though it’s a lot of work, it can be done when you have a great, supportive team. But that’s just part of it. If you’re looking for motivation to start multi-tasking within your business, keep reading for all of the business-minded gems Taryn has to offer.
Years in the Industry: 15 years
How did you get your start in the industry? I used to manage a (UV) tanning salon which also offered spray tanning. While I worked there, I noticed how tanning beds were causing damage to people’s skin. So when the tanning salon closed down, I decided to go mobile and offer spray tanning to people and to also educate them about the dangers of using tanning beds and laying out in the sun for long periods of time.
What were your initial steps in starting Paradise Airbrush Tanning? My initial steps for starting Paradise Airbrush Tanning were to get my business license, my DBA, mobile tanning insurance, and to get certified, those were the most important. I already knew how to spray tan from working at the salon, so then I tested out many solutions from different companies. Then, it was advertising and gaining clientele. Having a business marketing background helped me a lot.
How did you arrive at the perfect formula for Paradise Sunless Solutions? Since testing out many sunless solutions on the market, I knew what high quality ingredients I wanted in my formula, how I wanted it to smell, and that I wanted brown bronzers and anti-aging ingredients in it. I wanted a formula that clients were going to say "WOW I love it" and they do. Then, I developed Power Comp Competition Tanning Solution for Fitness Competitors. With Power Comp, I wanted that formula to dry quickly, be dark brown on everyone, fragrance free, to nut smudge and to have high quality ingredients as well. Because of that, I am now the official tanner for many shows a year and for different federations in the fitness world. Power Comp has grown so much and is sold worldwide. Many fitness competitors are turning to Power Comp now which makes me very happy. Being a fitness competitor myself, I put myself in other fitness competitors shoes.
How did you arrive at the concept for the Spray Tan Academy? Being in the sunless industry, I noticed there was no proper hands-on training and a major lack of trainers in the industry. There were only two online trainings back then. So in 2009, I felt that I had enough experience and knowledge so I decided to start Spray Tan Academy. I wanted it to be very affordable, brand neutral, hands-on, and offer in-person, Skype, and group classes. That way, spray tan artists have options and are educated on different solutions and equipment from top brands on the market. As of today, I have trained thousands of students worldwide, have big name sponsors [for the program], and am a distributor. All of my knowledge I have received about spray tanning was not from the internet, I actually called the manufacturers and picked their brain. I felt that they were the ones who were going to give me facts since they make the solutions in their lab. The info you read on the internet these days is not all on facts. I'm a factual type of girl.
How do you juggle running Paradise Airbrush Tanning, Paradise Sunless Solutions, the Spray Tan Academy, and the Facebook group (Spray Tan Experts - Educating The Right Way)? It's hard but can be done. I have a team who helps me out on social media, the website (I usually like working on my own website), the forum, and shipping. We all work together very well and when they need help, I help them out as well. I thought I could do it all on my own but found that I didn't have much time to do it all so I had to delegate my work.
What has been the most challenging part of being an entrepreneur? The most rewarding/exciting part? The most challenging part of being an entrepreneur that I faced was my competition trying to bring me down in many ways, they have failed though. At first I let it get to me, but then I found that it's part of being an entrepreneur. When you are successful, there are always going to be those people who want to bring you down. I just roll my eyes to them and say "Whatever" and go about my business.
Best piece advice you’ve ever received (in business or in life)? The best advice I have received was to be authentic, be real, have compassion, show up to work, and have integrity in everything you do.
Your absolute favorite product or service you offer? That's a tough one because all [Paradise Sunless Solutions] are my favorite. I love offering all services, spray tans, trainings, and business coaching because it makes me happy knowing that I am helping others and making them happy.
One instance when you should definitely see a spray tan artist versus using a self-tanner? When clients are doing red carpet events or are filming, they should definitely see a spray tan artist because even though self tanners are great, not everyone knows how to use them.
What advice would you give to new entrepreneurs in the industry (especially during these unprecedented times)? 1. When starting a business in the industry, show up and be consistent. Don't let others try to bring you down, they do it because they are unhappy with themselves. In these unprecedented times, be creative on what you can offer in your business. Anything is possible when you put your mind to it. Be wise in your investments, do not just jump into something because of the hype or how good it sounds — I've seen many get disappointed. They say take a leap of faith and go for it but one must always be wise abut it. (Words from the wise Dave Ramsey.)
What are some ways clients can help (if able to) their spray tan artists during Covid-19? During Covid-19, clients can support their spray tan artists by purchasing self tanning products or gift certificates. I decided to offer Glow Care Boxes which include a body wash and three different self tanning products clients can use at home. I also offer gift certificates at a discounted price where clients can purchase now and use later.
What do you know now that you wish you would’ve known when starting out in the industry? I wish I knew about using drying powder for clients back then when I started. I have been using drying powder for a few years now and all my clients love it. Do I charge for it? No, It's all about the experience not cents. (It only costs a few cents to use per client.)