Review: Eco Tan Hempitan Body Tan Water
price: $40 on
type: a clear self tanning water
product call-outs: vegan, gluten-free, toxic-free, certified organic, and cruelty-free
key ingredients: Hempseed oil to calm, cacao to smooth and balance the complexion, and hyaluronic acid to hydrate and boost moisture retention.
texture: a light mist
dry time: around 5 minutes
scent: Unscented
(hot) take on the tan: If you’re looking for a visibly hydrating tanning water with a seamless application and development, then Hempitan is for you. Unlike a lot of self tanners, the tanning water boosts your skin’s hydration while it develops so the end tan results are dewy, natural-looking, and all around gorgeous.
how we applied: On the body: spritzed on the skin from about six inches away, totally saturating the skin until it was noticeably dewy. Then, used a tanning mitt to blend in circular, sweeping motions. I applied the water at night before bed and then let the tan develop throughout the night. Around nine hours later skin was left about three shades darker.
On the face: applied by spritzing the water on the face so complexion is left with a bright, even, sunkissed glow. Since the tanning water is rich in vitamins A and C, as well as hydrating and smoothing properties, it can also be spritzed on top of makeup and used as a set spray that tans the face in just a few hours.
Eco Tan Hempitan Body Tan Water
A clear self tanning water.
brand background: Eco Tan is one of the most beloved skincare and sunless brands in Australia — and it’s for good reason. Sonya Driver, Eco Tan’s founder, launched Eco Tan in her kitchen as an alternative to the chemical-filled self tanners that preceded hers. And the result? Products that give a nourishing, gorgeous tan that are also certified toxic-free, cruelty-free, all natural, vegan, and certified organic.