Taryn Luquin, Founder of Spray Tan Academy & Paradise Sunless and Beauty

spray tan course

Website: Spraytanacademy.com

Where is Spray Tan Academy based?: Los Angeles & Newport Beach, California

How long have you been in the industry?: 16 years

How did you get your start in the sunless industry?: My interest in the sunless beauty industry was sparked back in 2005 when I worked at a tanning salon and realized that spray tans are much better than UV tanning beds. Therefore, I continued into my career as a spray tan artist. I always admired people wanting to look and feel good about themselves and learned that there was a need for spray tanning in the beauty world. I took that inspiration and set out to start my spray tanning career by doing mobile spray tans, housecalls, and on-set to those wanting to achieve a perfect tan.

I bring the magic with professionalism, trust, and a connection with Hollywood's high-end clientele. I was told I became one of the most sought-after spray tanning artists in the industry in Southern California's Los Angeles and Orange Counties and clients have even called me the queen of spray tans. (I received a nice plaque from a client that said ‘Spray Tan Queen.’)

I created my own product line, Paradise Sunless & Beauty, in 2007. The line contains a variety of sunless tanning solutions, self tanning products, and sunless aftercare products — all of which include anti-aging skincare ingredients.

I decided to level-up even more and create Spray Tan Academy in 2009. We are one of the top international training and certification programs in the sunless industry and we educate and empower women to start their own business.

What types of training do you offer? We offer virtual and in-person trainings.

What is the format of your training program?: I offer all forms. One-on-one (both in-person and virtual), group classes, and seminars. I work one-on-one with students worldwide through virtual Skype and some fly in to train with me in person. All of my courses are hands-on and all of my students leave feeling confident with the technique I show them and understand the knowledge I give them.

Do you offer certifications?: Yes, students receive a Spray Tan Academy certification — but they have to do their homework first.

Course pricing:
Ranges from $300 — $475 (for content only), and $773 — $1,023 (includes training and equipment, depending on your machine). Mentoring calls are $65 an hour.

What do your courses entail?:
Spray Tan Academy is the first brand-neutral training academy that started in 2009. We offer in-depth training courses that lead students to success but they too need to put in the work.

Our courses go above and beyond because it's not just about educating students how to spray tan, it's about teaching them the proper technique, sunless fundamentals, and how to start and operate their business. This also includes branding, business marketing, social media, gaining clientele, and mindset. Students have said that my courses are the most in-depth and the most affordable. We go over everything.

What are your go-to brands/solutions? Do you have a specific solution you suggest beginners train with?: Our own luxury solution line which is Paradise Sunless & Beauty, but we train our students with other top brands on the market as well.

How long are your courses?: Six hours long, but sometimes we get even more into it that it goes on for seven to eight hours.

What is the most important lesson you hope your “students” learn during your course?: The most important lesson to my students is to not give up even when it gets hard. Owning a business is not easy, but it can be very rewarding. I also tell my students that I'm always here for them either by text, email, or my Facebook Group: Spray Tan Experts - Educating the Right Way!

Words you live by? Taking a risk or investing in your business is always good, but remember it can be good or bad so invest wisely.


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