Glow Getter: Kambri Preciado, New Owner of ASTP
If you’re a sunless industry vet, you’ve likely heard of the Association of Sunless Tanning Professionals (ASTP); the original community of sunless professionals started by Shonna Dexter which provides educational resources, products, knowledge, and entryway to its annual Sunless Summit. In September, a little over four years after launching, Shonna handed the reins over to Kambri Preciado, a Denver, Colorado-based spray tan artist and owner of Bring Me Bronze mobile services.
Eager and ready to take on her role as owner of ASTP, Kambri will lead the community of sunless industry professionals to network, communicate, learn, and grow together. And of course, continue the group’s Sunless Summit, which has been a two-part event that features a networking, educational portion for all sunless professionals, as well as a tradeshow for sunless industry vendors to set up, demonstrate, and inform others about their product or service. In our exclusive interview with Kambri, she talks about her sunless journey thus far as well as her future plans for ASTP.
Kambri Preciado, Owner of ASTP & Bring Me Bronze
How many years have you been in the industry?: three
How did you get your start in the industry?: I actually went to undergrad for dental school. I wanted to be a dentist because everyone in my family was and I was always very entrepreneurial. I always wanted to own and run my own business. When I moved to Texas for dental school, I was working part-time at a tanning salon and at a dental office to get residency. And the rest is history! I obviously ended up loving tanning. Clients would leave and their tan would get ruined in the rain or they’d ask for mobile tanning and when the owners of the tanning salon didn’t want to offer mobile services, I naturally started my own mobile business and got to work!
Your absolute favorite product or service you offer with Bring Me Bronze?: I love the energy of spray tan parties when clients are having fun with their friends and family, sipping champagne, and checking out each other’s tans — I feel like Cinderella’s fairy godmother! I also love a good contour or tan line removal, it’s just so satisfying and brides love it.
What attracted you to the sunless industry?: More than anything I loved the ability to create your life around your work. I enjoy working for myself, controlling my income, and crafting my future. There are SO many options to own and run your sunless biz, from mobile to brick-and-mortar, to employing others or working by yourself, tanning part-time or full-time OR part-time in addition to a full-time job. I think it is so empowering!
Day to day, I love the connection with my clients and the role I get to play in helping them feel their best. There’s something about getting outside of yourself for a moment and helping others. I think this is also what gets me so excited about ASTP. I really love to boost others up around me and see them be their best!
The sunless industry is still super new and full of opportunity. When I started out I knew I wanted to create a community and be an educator and mentor for others. There's a lot of information out there but it’s really difficult to find and challenging to discern what is fact-based and actual when you’re first starting. I knew from the start I would be working towards filling that void.
What has been the most challenging part of being an entrepreneur? The most rewarding/exciting part?: Someone once told me that being an entrepreneur is a form of continuous self-improvement and there's nothing closer to the truth! I have always been a lover of learning and as a business owner, you are ALWAYS learning. You have to have a growth mindset and take every challenging moment as feedback and data points that point you in the right direction.
Ultimately, I think the biggest challenge has been the sense of being alone. It’s isolating being an independent business owner and having to set your own goals and self motivate. And on top of that, there’s no one rewarding you when you reach your goals — [there’s] only the next goal to obtain, so it can be a challenge to slow down and appreciate where you started and what you’ve accomplished.
The most exciting thing is taking that time to reflect and watch yourself crush your goals bit by bit and then looking way back at how far you’ve come! There’s no bigger sense of fulfillment to look at what you created and put out into the world, the people you’ve helped along the way, and as cheesy as it is — the lives you’ve changed! We may “just” be giving spray tans, but really we’re helping people look and feel their very best. If we can put just a little extra positivity and confidence into the world with each spray tan, then I am in!
What was it about the opportunity to acquire ASTP that piqued your interest?: From my start in the industry, I knew I wanted to be a leader. I wanted to build a community and loved my experience at Sunless Summit. I was so sad when Shonna announced this year would be her last, so I had to jump on the opportunity when it arose! There is so much potential for the organization and I am excited to expand on what she's created.
What are you most excited to bring to ASTP?: I think it would be really fun to have a retreat! As an introvert myself, I love being in smaller groups, and girls’ trips are always such fun! Combine that with business and building relationships with other pros in the industry and I can't think of anything more exciting! There's just something magical when you get to spend time with others and build that connection. I am also really excited to host events in the future for this same reason.
Courtesy of ASTP’s Instagram
Do you plan on adding any updates/changes to the current ASTP memberships?: Yes! Now more than ever we all need a sense of community and belonging. There has always been plenty of struggles running your own business — as a salon owner or independent spray tan artist, but with COVID there are plenty more challenges being thrown our way! I want to extend ASTP's reach and become even more prominent as an international organization. We already have members in other countries like England, Australia, and Canada, but I want to be a resource and community in every country there's a spray tan artist! So adding members and becoming the ultimate place for spray tanners to go for business support is my next big move.
I have also added member features, which will be an interview feature online for each member. This helps us get to know each other better and it helps boost each member's SEO for their own websites by adding backlinks to their page!
Each day I am talking to top vendors in our industry and adding new partnerships, which gives members exclusive discounts on top brands. This feature alone pays for the membership! I saved over $400 on equipment and solution just last year alone, so I love this perk! I'm hoping to take it a step further and add some sort of sample box for our members as well so they can try products before they buy.
On our members-only site, there's a ton of content useful for beginners and long time pro's alike, such as ambassador and influencer agreements and marketing tips. There are industry tips and interviews with top tanners to get you inspired and motivated. I am also playing with the idea of building out a mentorship program, where new tanners will be able to work with successful pros in some format. This content will continue to be built out over the next few months and you'll see things like resources on how to build your website and rank high on Google, how to collect tons of reviews, tax advice, guidance, etc.
Of course, the membership will also include invites to upcoming events which are TBD [right now]. This is something I am super excited for and hope to do as soon as I safely can! I am also really interested in offering retreats where smaller groups of tanners will get together (likely in tropical locations) and talk all things biz but also have a fun girls vacation. There will be opportunities to try new solutions and tanning tools, plus styled shoots with professional photographers to get tons of content and just again — have FUN!
I am SO open to hearing what our members want to see and making it happen for them! I tell every new member when they join to reach out with suggestions as I am crafting this as I go and I'm more than down to experiment and try new things.
The future for ASTP is big and BRIGHT!
What do you want potential ASTP members to know about the membership program?: ASTP the largest international organization for the sunless industry. Members receive exclusive vendor discounts, event invitations, and access to tons of educational business content and support in addition to being a part of a supportive and inclusive community.
Given the restrictions Covid-19 imposed, are you planning on an in-person 2021 Sunless Summit?: As long as I can do it safely, you bet I will! I am looking at several options from having multiple smaller Summits, to online events.
I want to make sure we are supporting and providing for our members in the best way possible by giving them plenty of exposure to top vendors in the industry, access to the best education and certification programs, and most importantly: allowing them to connect with each other.
What do you know now that you wish you would’ve known when starting out in the industry?: I wish I would have found this community right when I started! I spent sooo much time researching on my own and just feeling alone, stumbling my way through things. If I had been a member of ASTP I would have had so many resources to help with things like how to better market myself or discounts to save money on trying new solutions — because I did try a ton and it does add up!
Realizing that others are not my competition but are a resource and most other tanners are willing to help and teach! I met so many beautiful ladies who I talk with about business on a weekly basis through ASTP. I know our members are so supportive of each other and have so much to contribute to new tanners in the industry! One of the girls I met through ASTP is from my town and actually sends me so much business, and I send her my girls when I'm out of town, or if the client is too far to do mobile, etc. You can never have too many friends in this business and you don't have to do it all alone!
Best piece advice you’ve ever received (in business or in life)?: Don't take anything too seriously, including yourself. If you're not having fun and enjoying the process along the way then what's the point? I am constantly reminding myself not to over-stress or worry, just live in the present and enjoy what I am doing and creating in that moment.