Glow Getter: Lottie Tomlinson of Tanologist
If you’re new around here, we stand by the idea that the U.S. is behind in the sunless tanning industry but it’s starting to expand thanks to some heavy hitting sunless brands from places like the UK and Australia entering the market. Lottie Tomlinson’s self tanning brand Tanologist (@tanologist) is one of those heavy hitters. The UK-based tanning brand launched in July 2018, entered the U.S. market in July 2019 with vengeance, and can now be found in U.S. beauty giants like Target and Ulta. While some may think the brand’s success is linked to Lottie’s fame before the launch (she is Louis Tomlinson of One Direction’s little sister), I say it’s the innovative customizable “tanology” that creates even, mess-free, safe tans that give the perfect amount of glow. It also doesn’t hurt that all Tanologist products are all fairly priced below $20.
Lottie’s Tanologist is to the sunless industry what Rihanna’s Fenty Beauty is to the makeup industry; a celebrity brand that stands out in the sea of celebrity beauty brands because it’s actually amazing, inclusive, and game-changing. To see what Lottie has to say about her journey as a “Tanologist'“ thus far, read on for our exclusive interview.
Lottie Tomlinson, Founder of Tanologist
How many years have you been in the industry?: I started getting trained as a hair and makeup artist when I was 15 so I’ve been in the beauty industry for about seven years now.
How did you get started?: I always wanted to be a makeup artist, so I went to assist my hair and makeup team while they were on tour [with One Direction] and I ended up staying on the team for the next two years – for the whole of his [Louis’] band’s world tour. I got trained up and then once the tour was over, Instagram started blowing up and my followers kept growing and growing, so I kinda just fell into beauty blogging and I’ve been working on it ever since. So, of course, I feel very lucky to have had that chance to begin with.
Do you prefer clear solutions or ones with color guides? When should you use one versus the other? I love the clear Tanologist solutions as they’re just complete gamechangers – no stains, no transfer, and it’s just so convenient being able to tan then get dressed and get on with your day without needing to worry about staining clothes or washing off a guide color. By removing the guide color from tanning products, it also means our products are noncomedogenic and derma-approved, so it eliminates the risk of clogged pores. Our Extra Dark Mousse is an express formulation with a guide color that develops within an hour, so I love using that for last minute plans or when I just want a super quick glow.
What’s your favorite Tanologist product?: I love each product for different reasons, but if I really had to pick a favorite, I’d say the Self Tan Water. The mist is so refreshing and hydrating whilst also giving me natural looking color that leaves my skin glowing. I love storing mine in the fridge when it’s warm which makes it even more refreshing when you apply it.
It’s so quick and easy, I’ll spritz a bit on my face at night - which literally takes 10 seconds - and wake up bronzed. And what’s even better is I can apply it with the confidence of knowing it’s good for my skin and won’t break me out.
What was the first product you developed?: We developed our core Tanologist products – the Self Tan Water, Self Tan Drops, and Self Tan Mousse first - then built out the rest of the range with products my followers were looking for. It was so important to me that there was a lot of variety in the Tanologist range so we could make sure that there was a product to suit everyone from first time tanners to people like me that have been tanning for years.
A lot of people are afraid to use self tanners on their face out of fear of breaking out, what tips/skincare regimen would you suggest those people follow when tanning to avoid a breakout?: I think one of the most exciting things about Tanologist products are that they’re dermatologically approved – this means that they can be used on your face without needing to worry about breakouts or clogged pores – even if you have sensitive skin.
Do you have a moment you're particularly proud of, or one when you felt the most fulfilled?: I love whenever I get tagged or messaged on social media by people talking about how much they love the products, how confident their Tanologist glow makes them feel, or how much it’s helped clear their skin up — which is always an amazing feeling. From the start, Tanologist has always been about delivering amazing results whilst also being totally clean, clear, and skin-safe so it’s exciting to see us achieve this goal every day.
Best piece of advice you’ve ever received?: My mum taught me to always over-deliver, which is something I strive for in everything I do and guided the development of Tanologist so much. I didn’t just want to create another self tan brand, I wanted to create one that would take tanning to a new level.
How did you arrive at the perfect formula?: There was a lot of trial and error — we started the process with some key objectives like clear formulations, totally clean ingredients that are amazing for your skin, and of course products that would deliver an amazing tan. These were things we didn’t ever compromise on so we kept going back and working on the formulations until we achieved this.
What advice would you give to new entrepreneurs in the beauty space?: I think it’s so important to not compromise on your goals — set out exactly what you want from your products from the start and keep working on them until you get there. It took us a long time to get the formulations for Tanologist perfect, but it was totally worth it in the end.
Any secret tips you have when using your products that others might not know about?: So many people underestimate the importance of prepping your skin before application. I exfoliate and remove old tan with our Eraser + Primer, then moisturize before applying a new layer of tan. It makes all the difference!
You can read our reviews of all Tanologist products here.